Bearing Quartz Veins Oregon Mines

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  • Bearing Quartz Veins Oregon Mines

Quartz Mountain Gold Deposit Near Bly, Oregon | The …

The Quartz Mountain Gold Deposit, located in the vicinity of Bly, Oregon, is an important site within the Quarz Mountain Mining District. This mining district is currently encompassed by the Fremont National Forest.

Quartz Vein Formation and Deformation during Porphyry …

These sulfide-bearing quartz veins are cut by barren quartz and quartz-molybdenite veins. The term "barren" here is a field term that refers to veins with only trace amounts of molybdenite. Barren quartz veins characterize the base of the deposit, forming extensive stockwork zones.

Orogenic gold in the Blue Mountains, eastern Oregon, USA

The Blue Mountains gold belt in eastern Oregon, USA, produced some 48 t (∼1.7 M oz) of orogenic gold from narrow veins, not including placers, mostly during the …

Josephine County Oregon Gold Production – Western Mining …

Sulfide and gold-bearing quartz veins fill fractures in the Jurassic sediments and greenstone. Masses of igneous rock of Jurassic or Cretaceous age that range in composition from granite to diorite are exposed in the southeast, northeast, and northwest parts of the county.

The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration …

The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration mapping associated with the gold-bearing quartz veins at Hamash district, South Eastern Desert, Egypt

The Jillson Mine Uncovers a Rich Vein of Gold

While mining continued into the 1860's and beyond along the Klamath River, gold bearing quartz wasn't discovered until the 1870's in Rocky Gulch and the hills west of Henley in Siskiyou County.



Utilization of pre-existing competent and barren quartz veins …

These overpressured fluids caused hydrofracturing to complete brecciation of segments of the earlier quartz veins and associated pre-existing breccias, with deposition of auriferous quartz-sulfide veins and breccia cements or matrices within them.

Orogenic gold in the Blue Mountains, eastern Oregon, USA

At least 75% of gold produced in the State of Oregon came from the Blue Mountains. Most gold within the Blue Mountains was mined from orogenic gold veins and associated placer deposits. ... formation and exposure of gold-bearing veins are linked with the tectonic history of the western North American Cordillera, ... Several other quartz …

Progressive alteration associated with gold-quartz-tourmaline veins …

Ore-forming fluids in Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at the Sigma Mine, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada Economic Geology. Pb ISOTOPE COMPOSITIONS OF PYRITE FROM THE C QUARTZ-TOURMALINE VEIN OF THE SISCOE GOLD DEPOSIT, VAL D'OR, QUEBEC: CONSTRAINTS ON THE ORIGIN AND AGE OF THE GOLD …

Oregon Mines

Oregon mining, Sumpter Oregon, Oregon gold mining. OREGON MINES ... with veins running north and south. The district is four miles wide and 18 miles long. Still further west of Baker City is the Cable Cove district. ... The placer miners discovered most of the gold-bearing quartz ledges in the area and hard rock mining began in the Sumpter ...

Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at the Sigma Mine, …

The Sigma deposit consists of an Archean gold-bearing vein system in deformed volcanic rocks intruded by two generations of porphyries. The veins cut all rock types, and wall-rock alteration is superposed on greenschist facies metamorphic assemblages.

Ore-forming fluids in Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at …

Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at the Sigma mine occur in deformed metavolcanics intruded by two generations of preore porphyries. The veins were emplaced during a late compressional tectonic event and they consist primarily of quartz, tourmaline, carbonates, pyrite, and scheelite. Vein minerals have been deformed and are also cut by abundant …

Formation of orogenic gold deposits by progressive …

Orogenic gold deposits, which account for about one-third of the world's gold production 1, are comprised of complex quartz vein arrays that formed as a result of focused hydrothermal fluid flow ...

Gold Point Mine | Everest Mining, LLC

The Baker Terrane consists mainly of massive intrusions of Jurassic age Granodiorite that is laced with auriferous (gold-bearing) Quartz veins and stringers that host free-milling …

The geochemistry, origin, and hydrothermal alteration …

In Egyptian deposits, the gold-bearing quartz veins include pyrite, arsenopyrite, subordinate chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, and rare stibnite. ... On the mine sites, the quartz veins that cut across these granitic rocks are set in pronounced alteration zones rich in gold and sulfides and mostly stained with iron oxides.

DOGAMI Geological Map GMS-41, Geology and mineral …

Narrow, discontinuous, northerly-striking quartz veins occur in the northern and eastern sec- tions of the quadrangle. The Mountain Belle and Hurdy Gurdy Mines are the only …

Auriferous Deposits

The gold behavior of the several ore types can be summarized as follows: gold in placers, quartz vein gold ores, and oxidized ores are easily liberated, and can be recovered by gravity, flotation, and cyanidation; gold in copper sulphide ores is often coarse-grained and associated with copper minerals, and can be recovered into a …


Scattered grains are also found in the sulfide-bearing schist adjacent to the quartz veins. Large masses of coarse sheet and wire gold are commonly associated with galena in the Maryland mine (fig. 8).

DOGAMI Home page | Oregon Department of Geology …

The veins are comprised of discontinuous gold-bearing quartz seams up to 2 ft in thickness that occur in sheared argillite along the major faults that separate Elkhorn Ridge Argillite …

Structure and Distribution of the Gold-Related Quartz Vein …

This study investigates the structural control of the numerous gold occurrences in the southern part of the Barberton Greenstone Belt in the Malolotja and Steynsdorp areas. The gold-bearing event distribution is studied using field structural geology associated with a petrological and microstructural analysis. Three major tectonic …


Beryl and chromian spodumene occur entirely within quartz veins and in open cavities that occupy brittle tensional fractures in folded metamorphic rocks.

Ore-forming fluids in Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at …

Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at the Sigma mine occur in deformed metavolcanics intruded by two generations of preore porphyries. The veins were emplaced during a late compressional tectonic event and they consist primarily of quartz, tourmaline, carbonates, pyrite, and scheelite.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Fluid Processes of Wolframite-Quartz Vein …

Wolframite-bearing quartz veins generally exhibit arborization and crosses in slate, granite or metasandstone, forming ore-bearing quartz veins with large width variation . Numerous associated sulfides, such as pyrite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite, were identified in the middle of the quartz vein (Figure 3C).


One type of deposit that should be reevaluated is gold bearing quartz veins (GBQV). This project focuses on a GBQV deposit located in the Virtue mining district which gains its name from its most productive mine, …

Gold in Quartz

Most prospectors, when they think of hard rock gold deposits, think of quartz containing particles of gold. While gold deposits can be things besides quartz veins, gold is certainly found in the quartz of veins cutting through various types of rocks.

The Mockingbird Mine, Mariposa County, California

The productive and gold pocket-bearing parts of quartz veins are at or adjacent to a northwest-trending, intensely altered mafic dike, the Colorado dike, that extends apparently uninterrupted from the Colorado Quartz mine across the Artru property and on through the entire length of the Mockingbird claim.

Natural Gold Indicators (Part 1)

You may also have success finding new gold bearing areas by locating productive mines and then noting a color change that extends off from the mine. ... Most people know about the common association of gold with quartz. Gold veins often form within quartz rock and it is certainly an indicator to look for. ... There are some gold …


before 1900; lode vein mines in this area were successfully developed ... bearing quartz veins to the Precambrian rocks of the Wickenburg area through the use of detailed geologic mapping, structural analysis, petrography, fluid inclusion studies, and isotopic dating. ...


We have re-investigated the paragenesis and mineral compositions of the emerald occurrence at the Rist mine, Hiddenite, North Carolina, in order to provide a foundation for fluid-inclusion and isotopic studies, and to examine the possible relationship between emerald and spodumene mineralization and granitic pegmatites. Beryl and …

Gold Mines in Oregon | American Bullion

With several active claims, the district is known for its gold-bearing quartz veins. Prospectors in this area engage in more traditional forms of hard-rock mining.

Josephine County Oregon Gold Production

Sulfide and gold-bearing quartz veins fill fractures in the Jurassic sediments and greenstone. Masses of igneous rock of Jurassic or Cretaceous age that range in …

Archean gold-bearing quartz veins at the Sigma Mine, …

The Sigma deposit consists of an Archean gold-bearing vein system in metavolcanic rocks intruded by an irregular body of porphyritic diorite, both affected by regional deformation and in turn cut by younger undeformed feldspar porphyry dikes. The veins cut all rock types and are composed chiefly of quartz and tourmaline, with minor amounts of carbonates, …

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